Stressed Out Muma’s help is here!
Are you ready to banish burnout, and turn chaos to calm?
It's time to
STOP CATASTROPHISING And Turn Stress, Anxiety and All That Mum Guilt Into Resilience, Confidence and Lasting Peace of Mind.
Here you'll find all you need to prioritse You Time from Childcare to Parenting Tips and Blogs to Guided Mediations and Hypnotherapy Courses for both you and your child.
Let’s begin this transformative journey together as you learn how to
RELAX (Calm down)
RESTORE (Repair)
RESET (Change)
Ready to see how?
Learn More
Choose From
Three paths to explore:

Online Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Meditation and EFT for you and your child to reduce stress and anxiety and give you a calm peace of mind.
Email em@emmagrantauthor for more information on our online courses or in person 1:1 sessions.

Childcare in Cardiff for your little one full time or part time. Recently rated excellent at our inspection for Childrens Care and Development. Home cooked meals included.
We also accept the Childcare Offer and Government Tax Free Schemes. Email e[email protected] for more information.

International Best Selling Parenting self help books to guide you through behaviour coaching and implementing rules and routines.
A cost effective way to create a more balanced life for the whole family plus a community of likeminded mums to connect with
With online hypnotherapy / meditation audios and Courses offering guidance for a healthy mind, body and Spirit, you can create harmony and inner peace for you and your child, from the comfort of your own home, for a fraction of the price it costs to go to see a therapist 1:1.
Join our FREE Mum and Mum-to-Be Online Community.
Mumatherapy® Calm and Connected Community

Join Our Free Calm and Connected Community For Mums and Mums-to-Be
Take a course
These popular go at your own pace courses are a great place to start if you’re not ready to join a 12 week 1:1 Program yet.

"Emma has written for us at Mums & Tots magazine for 4 years now, offering our readers helpful insights into the mine field that is parenting. As a parenting therapist, childcare professional and writer she knows how to give practical advice on difficult topics like anxiety and loss in an accessible way for our readers. I would highly recommend Emma’s Chaos to Calm - Stop Catastrophising Mini-Course, as a must read for mums, to help alleviate their anxiety and help their children to do the same, so they can be more present and peaceful."
Join Chaos to Calm Stop Catastrophising Mini-Course
Quick and Easy Techniques You Can Do Relaxing In Bed
Create Inner Calm
Do you catastrophise over every little thing, always imagining the worst case scenario?
Are you constantly micro-managing your kids?
Do insignificant things turn into major anxieties for you?
Are you longing for some peace, calm and relaxation?
Then this mini-course is for you, muma!
What you'll get:
- EFT Quick Catastrophic Anxiety Stopper a powerful tool to help you quickly and easily shift your energy and calm your mind.
- A massage for your mind with a full body progressive relaxation and Chaos to Calm 50 minute hypnosis audio and video to stop that Catastrophic cycle in its tracks.
- Mumatherapy® Mindful Moments - Anxiety Awareness Assessment.
- Mumatherapy® Mindful Moments Guide - How catastrophically anxious am I?
- All with step by step video guides.
Sign up today to start your path to peace of mind.
[Not suitable for those who are pregnant, have epilepsy, psychosis or Post Traumatic Stress]
Join the Chaos to Calm Stop Catasrophising Mini-Course Now

Catastrophising Kids
Mind, Body, Spirit
This course will help your child calm their catastrophising thoughts in an age appropriate and fun way, using Yoga, EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique and Guided Mediations, Hypnosis and Stories.
Coming Soon!
Email the word 'Kids' for more info & to sign up to our waiting list.
email [email protected]Nice to meet you!
I’m Emma,
For the past twenty years, I've been caring for children and supporting mums as a qualified Hypnotherapist, Nutritional Therapist, Parent Coach, and Author. My passion is supporting mums like you in prioritising You Time because it’s so easy to lose yourself and your sense of identity when you are a mum.
Let's work together to prevent Parental Burnout and find calm and peace amid the chaos.
Using effective methods like Hypnosis, Guided Meditation, and Emotional Freedom Technique, to help soothe your soul, body, mind, and spirit from the inside out.
Helping you to
More about me

Become a member!
Become a Mumatherapy
to get unlimited access to all of our courses and 1:1 online coaching and mindset support {including meal plans and nutritional advice}.
It’s the fastest way to feel the full benefits of living a balanced, peaceful, passionate and purposeful life.
Balance in your inbox
You can look forward to some Mumatherapy Motivation delivered to your inbox.
Plus get your free Mumatherapy Muma Got Goals Goal Book to discover Your Why and Crush it with Clarity
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There are many health risks of having chronic stress in your life. And the longer you are exposed to stressors, the more impact that will have on your physical and cognitive well- being. But not all stress is bad for us. The right amount of pressure (Eustress) helps us to perform at our optimal and can motivate us to achieve our goals and reach deadlines, while having some appropriate fear can save your life. Think of a Range Rover coming towards you at great speed. It’s this stress response that will actually save your life and make you jump out of the way.
So, I don’t promise to remove all stress from your life, nor do I claim to diagnose medical conditions, prescribe treatment, dispense or replace a doctor, dietician or psychologist with professional advice. I don’t offer substitution for the care of disease or mental health through a medical provider, and nor do I advise you to stop taking prescribed medication. I always advise you to seek medical advice before using any of my products or services. You will find many tools and techniques to help you on this website, but if you feel any pain or excessive discomfort from the thoughts, emotions or methods, then please stop practicing these techniques immediately. Healing is a very personal, unique experience that rests on multiple factors in a person’s life. What approach works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, I do not claim to heal or cure anyone. I hope that you will take any advice with a common-sense approach and make your own decisions based on your own experiences and seek advice from your GP. And please be patient with yourself :-)